Feb 3, 2025
Hey Dude, obviously there has been a lot going on with the Eaton Fire burning down my studio in downtown Altadena. So many people, suffering so much loss, so I'll wait to tell my side of the story for another day.
SOUNDS: footsteps, gravel path, sirens Laguna Sawdust Cowbell Chimes
GENRE: storytelling,
Jan 5, 2025
Hey Dude, I briefly talk about being inducted into the Podcast Hall of Fame, before I flashback to my not so distant dreams of living in the 90s.
QUOTE: "I didn't play it cool enough, so I dropped the ball."
PEOPLE: Grant Baciocco, Hiram, Alicia Silverstone
PLACES: Orlando, Burbank, Westside, South L.A.,...