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Verge of the Dude

I leave rambling voice mail messages on my friend's answering machine and you get to hear them too. Proudly presented raw, unedited and in one take.

Jun 26, 2019

Hey Dude, a trip to Palm Springs takes me back to the summer of 1999 when I learned I had cancer on the same day The Phantom Menace was released. Also a cool online interaction with John Lurie ties the call together.

CHARACTERS: Doctor Dolittle, Garry Paskwietz, Lance Armstrong, John Lurie

LOCATIONS: Palm Springs, La...

Jun 8, 2019

Hey Dude, a bootleg photoshoot for a "podcast thing" leads me to wear my "Original Westerley" Pendleton sweater and tap into The Dude's mystical energy.

CHARACTERS: Sweet Leaf, Dracula, Dr. David Viscott, Frasier, Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, Quentin Tarantino, Rock Star

LOCATIONS: Descanso Gardens, Park Bench Deli,